70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 53

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70天攻克考研英语词汇 DAY 53

Day 53


  We have positive knowledge that the earth moves around the sun.

  猜一猜 A. 积极的B. 十足的C. 完全的D. 明确的


  大头巧记 pos(to place置)+itive(adj) → 订下的位置 → 确实的, 明确的

  词义扩展 a. ① 积极的,肯定的What we need is some positive thinking. 我们需要一些积极的思考。 ② 正的,阳性的12 is a positive amount. 12是一个正数。 ③ 十足的,完全的The man is a positive fool. 这个男人是一个十足的傻子。

  n. 正片It must be a positive, because it is very clear. 这一定是个正片,因为它非常清晰。


  The box is too heavy for me to lift.

  猜一猜 A. 举起B. 投掷C. 扔掉D. 运输


  近义词 raise:举起,升起,提起,抬起

  词义扩展 v. 消散The fog lifted the moment the sun came out. 太阳出来,雾就消失了。

  n. ① 电梯 We have to walk upstairs by ourselves as the lift has broken down. 我们必须步行上楼,因为电梯坏了。 ② 上升,升高 The lift of the tower made them scream. 塔的上升使他们尖叫起来。 ③ 举起He can make a lift of 135 kilos one time. 他一次能举135公斤的东西。 ④ 免费搭车Can you give me a lift to factory? 能顺路捎我去工厂吗?

  morality/ n.

  The moral of this story is that everyone should keep morality of kindness.

  猜一猜 A. 姿态B. 美德C. 进展D. 心情


  大头巧记 moral(词根,道德的)+ ity(名词词尾) =道德,美德。以“美德”磨软了你(音读记忆),因很多人吃软不吃硬。

  大头例句 We should inherit Chinese morality of thrifty and hardship. 我们应当继承中华民族勤俭、耐劳的美德。

  近义词 morals, goodness.

  possibility/ n.

  The possibility of encounter with him filled me with dread.

  猜一猜 A. 希望B. 机会C. 想法D. 可能



  possible可能的+ility每次词尾 → 可能性

  词义扩展 n. 可能的事,希望I see great possibility in his scheme. 我认为他的方案大有希望。

  possible/ a.

  Now it is possible that he will get over it.

  猜一猜 A. 可能的B. 合理的C. 不可能的D. 自然的


  词义扩展 a. 合理的,可允许的There is more than one possible explanation. 不止有一种可能的解释。


  Hell do all he possibly can.

  猜一猜 A. 能力B. 权利C. 可能D. 希望


  词义扩展 或者, 也许You may possibly get a new job. 你也许能得到一个新工作。

  mosquito/ n.

  I hang a mosquito net over my bed every summer.

  猜一猜 A. 气球B. 飞机C. 电扇D. 蚊子


  大头例句 I can never stay here for there are so many mosquitoes here. 在这儿我呆不下去了,这儿蚊子实在是太多了。

  sign/sain/ n.

  That is the special sign of that restaurant to have more patrons.

  猜一猜 A. 招牌B. 手段C. 服务D. 套餐


  近义词 symbol 标志

  词义扩展 n. ① 征兆,迹象She shows no sign of interest in the invitation. 她没有表示出对这个邀请有兴趣的迹象。 ② 签名于,署名于At last she signed on the contrast, which was quite unfair to her. 最后她还是在那个对她很不公平的和约上签了字。

  signal/ n.

  With the very signal, the soldiers began their attack to the enemy.

  猜一猜 A. 命令B. 武器C. 信号D. 药品


  分析 sign是标志,加al后变为信号。

  词义扩展 v. 发信号,用信号通知This event is a signal to the change of the publics opinion. 这个事件表明了大众观点的改变。

  近义词 indication 指示,暗示

  signature/ n.

  She tried all her best to get the famous stars signature.

        猜一猜 A. 海报B. 照片C. 签名D. 唱片


  分析 sign做动词时是签名的意思。-ature加上名词后缀就变成了名词签名。

  近义词 autograph:亲笔签名

  refrigerator/fridge/ n.

  There is nothing to eat in the refrigerator after the summer holiday.

  猜一猜 A. 冰箱,冷冻机,冷藏库B. 家里C. 避难所D. 盒子


  procedure/ n.

  Writing a composition is quite a simple procedure.

  猜一猜 A. 手续,程序B. 事实C. 例子D. 选择


  大头巧记 pro + ce +dure → forward + to go +名词词尾 → 使事情继续向前发展需要一定的程序,手续


  Four poles supported the tent where the campers spent their whole night.

  猜一猜 A. 柱子B. 极点C. 木板D. 架子


  词义扩展 地极,磁极,电极The North and South Poles are the two points at opposite ends of the earth about which it revolves. 北极和南极是地球上相对的两点,地球绕着它转动。

  nut/ n.

  We always have nuts to eat at New Year.

  猜一猜 A. 西餐B. 香肠C. 饺子D. 坚果


  词义扩展 螺母,螺帽We need to fasten nuts with a screw. 我们需要用起子拧紧螺母。

  oar/ n.

  All the people are bending to the oars.

  猜一猜 A. 巢 B. 返工C. 桨橹


  giant/ n.

  He is a giant of mind.

  猜一猜 A. 矮个子B. 巨人C. 先导D. 鬼魂



  a. 巨大的a giant boy 高大的男孩

  leap/ v.

  Look before you leap.

  猜一猜 A. 思考B. 跳跃C. 穿行D. 吃饭


  词义扩展 n. 跳跃,飞跃The factories were set up by leaps and bounds after the policy of reform and opening. 改革开放后, 工厂如雨后春笋般建立起来了。

  近义词 jump: 跳,跳跃 spring: 蹦,跳跃,跳出,突然活动 bound: 跳,跃,蹦着跑 hop: 单足跳跃 skip: 轻快地跳跃

  rigid/ a.

  It is a rigid support for the tent.

  猜一猜 A. 铁制的B. 刚性的C. 强度大的D. 硬度高的




  词义扩展 a. ① 刻板的It is a rigid rule in our home to return before ten. 十点之前回家是我们家的死规定。 ② 严厉的She was always rigid in the performance of the students exam. 她对学生的考试成绩要求非常严厉。

  同义词 stiff

  shelf/ n.

  There is a shelf full of book.

  猜一猜 A. 罐子B. 缸子C. 盒子D. 架子翻译这里有一个摆满书的架子。

  singular/ a.

  She is a person of singular beauty.

  猜一猜 A. 非凡B. 少的C. 大的D. 多的


  词义扩展 单数的What is the singular form of the children? children这个单词的单数是什么?

  sorrow/ n.

  We were full of sorrow when we learned our favorite grandfather had died.

  猜一猜 A. 悲伤B. 泪水C. 遗憾D. 疼痛



  近义词 sadness,grief


  She is so kind that even killing an ant carelessly will make her sorrowful for quite a long time.

  猜一猜 A. 悲伤的B. 哭泣的C. 遗憾的D. 疼痛的



  近义词 sorry,sad,gracious,mournful

  subtract/ v.

  If 7 is subtracted from 12, the answer is 5.

  猜一猜 A. 运算B. 减C. 乘D. 加


  近义词 deduct:减去

  swift/swift/ a.

  I t is a swift way to handle the routing work.

  猜一猜 A. 快速的B. 突然的C. 猛增的D. 下降的


  近义词 rapid:急速的 fleet:快速的

  strike/straik/ v.

  He struck his forehead against the stove when he fell.

  猜一猜 A. 拉B. 推C. 踢D. 撞


  大头巧记 (谐音法)(被人)死拽(一下) → 碰撞到别的东西了。

  词义扩展 v. ① 罢工They are striking for better pay and treatment. 他们正在为提高工资和待遇罢工。 ② 使产生印象,打动The speech struck deep into the minds of the people. 这篇演讲深深地打动了人们的心。 ③ 发现,找到A good idea strikes me and I immediately wrote it down. 我突然找到了一个好办法,于是赶快把它写下来。

  n. 罢工They are on a strike to protest their rights. 他们在为保护自己的权益罢工。

  striking/ a.

  She is a woman of striking beauty.

  猜一猜 A. 惊人的B. 丑陋的C. 一点D. 少数的


  大头巧记 strik+ ing

  打动人心 + 词尾 → 显著的,惊人的东西经常能打动人心,引人注目。

  近义词 outstanding:显著的;凸出的,杰出的 remarkable:惊人的;显著的;非凡的 arresting:引人注意的,显著的 noticeable:引人注意的,显著的 prominent:突出的;显著的;杰出的 conspicuous:令人注目的,触目的;明显的

  spell/spel/ v.

  How do you spell your name?

  猜一猜 A. 读B. 喜欢C. 拼写D. 叫




  spelling/ n.

  Which is the better spelling: Tokio or Tokyo?

  猜一猜 A. 用法B. 词C. 拼写D. 表达



  supplement/ n.

  This is the supplement to the texts.

  猜一猜 A. 扉页B. 序C. 补编D. 评价


  词义扩展 n. 增刊I would like to have a supplement. 我想要一份附刊。

  v. 增刊,补充He supplements his income by doing part time jobs. 他通过做兼职增加收入。

  近义词 addition:附加,追加 complement:补全;互补(成分) extra:附加的,补充的


  There is no supply of peaches now.

  猜一猜 A. 出售B. 供应C. 销售D. 出现


  词义扩展 n. 供应,供应量he department store has a large supply of shirts. 那家百货商店有大量的衬衫。

  近义词 give:给予 provide:供应

  thousand/ num./a.

  It happened about two thousand years ago.

  猜一猜 A. 一万、一万个B. 一百、一百个C. 一千、一千个D. 十万、十万个


  词组 thousands of 许多,无数Thousands of thanks for your kindness. 万分感谢你的好意。

  tide/taid/ n.

  The tide is in (out).

  猜一猜 A. 海浪B. 风暴C. 潮、潮汐D. 台风


  词义扩展 n. 潮流,趋势The tide turned in our favor. 形势变得对我们有利。

  tidy/taidi/ a.

  The girl student was praised for her tidy handwriting.

  猜一猜 A. 整洁的、整齐的B. 明亮的C. 微小的D. 甜美的


  词义扩展 v. 整理,收拾I have to tidy myself up a bit. 我得梳理一下。

  timber/ n.

  We still are in want of plenty of dressed timber.

  猜一猜 A. 森林B. 大树C. 木材,原木D. 木头



  The sunrise attracted many people.

  猜一猜 A. 日出B. 日落C. 佛光D. 云雾


  大头巧记 sun+ rise

  太阳 + 升起 → 日出


  What a lovely sunset, isnt it?

  猜一猜 A. 日落B. 日出C. 佛光D. 评价


  大头巧记 sun+ set

  太阳 + 沉落 → 日落

  sunshine/ n.

  Sunshine is bright.

  猜一猜 A. 彩虹B. 阳光C. 星星D. 月亮


  大头巧记 sun+ shine

  太阳 + 照耀 → 阳光

  tumble/tmb()l/ v.

  Her black long hair tumbles down between her shoulders.

  猜一猜 A. 摔倒,垂下B. 坍塌C. 毁灭D. 披散


  词义扩展 v. 打滚,翻腾 The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed. 那个病人在床上翻来覆去。

  n. 摔跤,跌倒He had a nasty tumble. 他重重地摔了一跤。


  Age has left its trace on his face.

  猜一猜 A. 证据B. 踪迹,痕迹C. 足迹D. 伤痕


  词义扩展 n. 极少量,微量There was hardly a mere trace of smile on her face when she was told the news. 得知这个消息,她脸上几乎看不到一丝笑容。

  v. ① 描绘Can you trace the plan of the construction site? 你可以描绘出工地平面图吗? ② 跟踪,追踪The hunter traced a fox to its den. 猎人跟踪一只狐狸到了它的巢穴。

  tube/ n.

  I broke a test tube in the lab.

  猜一猜 A. 杯子B. 酒精灯C. 管,软管 D. 电线


  词义扩展 n. ① 电子管The early computers were made of tubes. 早期的电子计算机是由电子管构成的。 ② 地铁I go to school by tube every day. 我每天乘地铁上学。

  string/ n.

  The boy used a piece of string to fly the kite.

  猜一猜 A. 布条B. 车C. 细绳D. 木料


  词义扩展 n. 一串,一行She made a string of pearls for her sisters birthday. 她串了一串珍珠送给她妹妹作生日礼物。

  v. 缚,捆 When he was 5, he could string his shoes himself. 他五岁时就会自己系鞋带。

  spider/ n.

  There are lots of spiders in that deserted house.

  猜一猜 A. 蟑螂B. 老鼠C. 蜘蛛D. 蚂蚁




  soft/ a.

  To be frank, I really dont like soft pillow and hard mattress.

  猜一猜 A. 鲜艳的B. 软的C. 大的D. 绒面的


  近义词 tender

  词义扩展 a. ① 温柔的That teacher, who loves soft music, has very soft voice. 那位喜欢轻音乐的老师声音很温柔。 ② 细嫩的,光滑的The dog has very soft fur. 那条狗的毛非常柔滑。 ③ 不含酒精的Give me some soft drink, please. 请给我一些软饮料。

  swan/ n.

  The teacher is drawing a swan on the blackboard.

  猜一猜 A. 土豆B. 鸡C. 鸭子D. 天鹅


  surrender/ v.

  They refuse to surrender.

  猜一猜 A. 战败B. 认错C. 道歉D. 投降


  近义词 yield:让步;投降 submit:屈服,投降

  source/ n.

  A lake in the mountain is the source of this river.

  猜一猜 A. 出处B. 源泉C. 终点D. 去向


  近义词 beginning, start,origin

  词义扩展 n. 来源,出处The source of our trouble is the lack of unity. 我们麻烦的根源是不够团结。

  scan/ v.

  He scanned the house, looking for the little boy.

  猜一猜 A. 搜查B. 监视C. 审查,细看D. 打扫




  同义词 scrutinize

  词义扩展 v. ① 浏览She scanned his paper at breakfast. 她在早餐的时候浏览了他的论文。 ② 扫描His body is scanned. 他的全身扫描了一下。

  n. 扫描He had a brain scan. 他进行了脑部扫描。

  silicon/ n.

  The most important thing in the computer is silicon chip.

  猜一猜 A. 硫B. 铁C. 硅D. 磷


  puppet/ n.

  The puppet government is on the edge of collapse.

  猜一猜 A. 俘虏B. 冒牌C. 伪装D. 木偶,傀儡


  plain/plein/ .

  The marking along the route is very plain.

  猜一猜 A. 清楚B. 丰富C. 专业D. 正确






  词义扩展 ① 朴素的,平常的She likes the plain but elegant dress. 她喜欢朴素而雅致的连衣裙。 ② 坦率的She is very plain and she will never cheat her friends. 她是个很坦率的人,决不会欺骗朋友。 ③ 平凡的,普通的She is a plain girl in appearance. 她是外貌普通的女孩子。

  n. 平原,旷野 He lives in the great plain of the American Midwest. 他住在美国的中部平原。

  同义词 clear,obvious

  plateau/ n.

  A large area of the county is plateau.

  猜一猜 A. 盆地B. 草原C. 沙漠D. 高原


  rail/ n.

  There are dry clean towels on the rail by the bathtub.

  猜一猜 A. 横梁B. 栏杆C. 木棍D. 铁道


  词义扩展 pl. ①铁路sent by rails 由铁路运输 ② 铁轨,轨道the disruption of rail communications 铁路交通的中断 ③ 横杆,栏杆lean over the rails 倚在栏杆上


  railroad/railway/ n.

  The building of a new railroad in this area is under discussion.

  猜一猜 A. 公路B. 跑道C. 航线D. 铁路


  词义扩展 v. 由铁路运输railway the products 由铁路运输产品

  range/ n.

  Over the long range, the most important step will be a general education reform.

  猜一猜 A. 范围,距离B. 排列C. 连续D. 级别


  大头巧记 orange 橘子, o(broken破的,烂的)把烂橘子去掉再排列成行

  词义扩展 n. ① 排列,连续a range of books 一排书 ② (山)脉a dividing range 分水岭 ③ 炉灶start the fire in the range 点燃灶里的炉火

  v. 排列成行The children ranged themselves along two sides of the road. 孩子们沿着路边成行排开。

  近义词 distance

  sob/ v.

  She sobbed out the unlucky news that her husband to whom she married not long ago died of cancer.

  猜一猜 A. 散布B. 哭泣C. 泄露D. 流泪




  词义扩展 n. 哭泣,呜咽The childs sobs were very clear in midnight. 小孩的哭声半夜里十分清楚。

  近义词 cry,weep

  stool/ n.

  There is a stool to match the piano.

  猜一猜 A. 床B. 车C. 凳子D. 书桌


  近义词 chair: 椅子 bench: 长凳,条凳。

  storage/ n.

  Put the meat and fish in cold storage.

  猜一猜 A. 杂货店B. 冰箱C. 贮藏D. 家


  大头巧记 stor(e) + age

  商店+ 岁数 → 放在商店里较长时间的 → 贮藏。

  词义扩展 库房The factory has several storages for goods. 这间工厂有几个库房存放商品。

  近义词 storeroom:贮藏室商品陈列室

  store/ n.

  Her father keeps an American drygoods store.

  猜一猜 A. 库存B. 商店C. 书店D. 文具店


  词义扩展 n. 贮藏,贮备品Our university has a large store of books. 我们大学里有丰富的藏书。

  v. 贮藏,贮备We have too much beef that we cannot store it at one time. 我们有太多的牛肉了,一次不能都储藏起来。

  sure/ a.

  I am quite sure that he is honest.

  猜一猜 A. 真实的B. 错误的C. 可疑的D. 确信的

  翻译 我相当确定他是诚实的。

  近义词 certain:确实的,必然的 definite:一定的,确定的 positive:确定的

  词义扩展 ① 可靠的,稳当的Did you get the sure proof? 你找到确凿的证明吗? ② 一定的,必然的It is sure to snow. 一定会下雪。

  词组 make sure of / that 查明,弄确实;确信,确定,务必Please make sure that your safe belt is fastened. 务必保证扣上安全带了。

  tender/ a.

  Can you see the tender blossoms?

  猜一猜 A. 好看的B. 芳香的C. 带刺的D. 娇嫩的


  词义扩展 a. ① 敏感的Dont mention the tender issue at the meeting. 在会议上别提起这个敏感的话题。 ② 温柔的,温厚的He was brought up under the tender care of his grandmother. 他是在他外婆的悉心照料下长大的。

  v. ① 提出,提供What service does a bank tender for its customers? 银行向他的顾客提供什么服务? ② 投标The project is waiting for tendering. 这个项目正待招标。

  近义词 mild, soft, gentle, balmy.

  tentative/ a.

  We will carry out our tentative proposal next month.

  猜一猜 A. 紧张的B. 试验性的C. 有意义的D. 违法的


  近义词 empirical, experimental

  tilt/ v.

  Dont tilt your chair or you will fall over.

  猜一猜 A. 摇晃B. 举起C. (使)倾斜、(使)斜侧D. 扭曲


  词义扩展 n. 倾斜,斜侧The chair is on a slight tilt. 这张椅子放得有点斜。

  词组 at full tilt 全速地,全力地The athlete rushed to the ending line at full tilt. 田径运动员全速冲向终点。

  Tuesday/ n.

  Today is Tuesday so yesterday was Monday.

  猜一猜 A. 星期二B. 星期一 C. 周末D. 节假日


  underestimate/ v.

  It is a serious mistake to underestimate our enemy.

  猜一猜 A. 信任B. 消灭C. 低估D. 放弃


  联想记忆under 表示在…之下;次于…,低于…;etimate 是动词,估计。两者合在一起就是低估。

  近义词 undervalue

  undergo/ v.

  This song undergoes a revival of popularity .

  猜一猜 A. 遭受,经受,承受B. 荣获C. 给予D. 赢得


  联想记忆under 表示在…情况下,go表示经历,走过,undergo可以理解为在…情况下经历,即遭受,经受,承受

  近义词 sustain,suffer,encounter

  undergraduate/ n.

  The undergraduates undergo more and more pressure nowadays.

  猜一猜 A. 少年儿童B. 年轻人C. 待业青年D. 大学生,大学肄业生


  联想记忆under在…之下;低于…;graduate 获得学位;undergraduate大学生,大学肄业生。

  underground/ a.

  There will be an underground railway in near future.

  猜一猜 A. 地下的,地面下的B. 高速的C. 磁悬浮的D. 特快的


  联想记忆under 在…之下+ground 地面=underground 在地下,秘密的

  词义扩展 a. 秘密的He was engaged in underground work in the war time. 在战争时代他从事地下工作。

  n. 地铁I meet that handsome boy at the underground station every morning. 我每天早晨在地铁站都会碰见那个帅气的男孩。

  ad. ① 在地下The miners work underground most time of year. 矿工们一年中大部分时间在地下工作。 ② 秘密地Their work went to underground to avoid persecution. 他们的工作转到地下以免遭迫害。

  underline/ v.

  The teacher asked us to underline the topic sentence.

  猜一猜 A. 指出B. 翻译C. 解释D. 在…下划线


  联想记忆under 在…之下+line 线=underline 在…下划线。

  词义扩展 v. 强调This affair underlines the seriousness of the situation. 这个事件使形势的严重性突出。

  underlying/ a.

  We have to pay enough attention to the underlying danger.

  猜一猜 A. 无形的B. 巨大的C. 含蓄的,潜在的D. 无关紧要的


  联想记忆underlying 是underlie 的分词,under在...之下 + lie 处于 = underlie 处于…下。underlying 相当于形容词。

  近义词 potential,latent

  undermine/ v.

  His selfconfidence has been undermined by repeated failures.

  猜一猜 A. 巩固B. 暗中破坏,逐渐削弱C. 逐步培养D. 渐渐腐蚀


  词义扩展 v. 侵蚀…的基础Streams undermine the rocks. 流水冲蚀岩石。

  underneath/ prep.

  Put the date underneath the address.

  猜一猜 A. 在…下面B. 低于C. 潜在D. 强调


  词义扩展 ad. 在下面,在底下This building is a mansion with a solid foundation underneath. 这座大厦下面有坚实的地基。

  undertake/ v.

  He undertook to be our guide.

  猜一猜 A. 承担,担任B. 假装,装扮C. 欺骗D. 冒充


  词义扩展 v. ① 许诺,保证The government undertook that all shantytowns would be redeveloped before the year 2000. 政府保证在2000前对所有的棚户区进行改造。 ② 着手,从事We must undertake detailed and comprehensive investigations at once. 我们必须马上进行细致而全面的调查。

  undesirable/ a.

  She is a most undesirable influence.

  猜一猜 A. 无用的B. 渺小的C. 决定性的D. 不受欢迎的,令人不快的


  联想记忆un前缀表示否定 + desirable 渴望的,渴求的 = undesirable 不渴望的,即,不受欢迎的,令人不快的

  victorious/ a.

  The reporters are going to interview the victorious players.

  猜一猜 A. 失败的B. 获胜的C. 骄傲的D. 沮丧的


  rear/ n.

  A mounted general rode at the rear of the procession.

  猜一猜 A. 旁边B. 后面,尾部C. 中间D. 前面


  大头巧记 after是在…之后,ear 是耳朵,after+ear=rear在耳朵的后面是后部,尾部

  词义扩展 a. ① 后方的a rearview mirror 后视镜 ② 背后的Attack the enemy from the rear. 从背后袭击敌人。

  v. 饲养,抚养rear a family 养家糊口

  近义词 back

  sale/seil/ v.

  The fund is raised by the sale of his house.

  猜一猜 A. 房租B. 出售C. 债务D. 抵押




  词义扩展 n. ① 贱卖,廉价出售January is the month during which many sale goods are offered. 一月份是廉价商品出售的月份。 ② 销售额The sales of ice cream are up in summer. 冰淇淋的销售额在夏季上升。

  词组 on sale 出售,贱卖There are many clothes on sale now. 现在有许多衣服贱卖。

  同义词 vend

  salesman/ n.

  Salesmen are often treated as nuisance.

  猜一猜 A. 售货员,推销员B. 招待员C. 仆人D. 员工


  联想记忆sale “出售”,man“人”,出售东西的人即销售员。

  sprinkle/ n.

  Put some sprinkles of pepper on the bread, it might taste better.

  猜一猜 A. 层B. 少量C. 颗D. 块


  近义词 spray

  stride/straid/ v.

  He strode out of the house.

  猜一猜 A. 大步走B. 跑C. 跳D. 举手


  词义扩展 n. 迈步,阔步Winning the competition, he walked away with proud strides. 比赛赢了后,他迈着大步骄傲地离去。

  近义词 pace:一步;步子 step:走;跨步 tread:踏;走 gait:步态,步法


  There was a sudden change in the weather.

  猜一猜 A. 来临的B. 必然的C. 快速的D. 突然的


  词组 all of a sudden 突然He gave me a blow all of a sudden. 他突然打了我一拳。

  近义词 unexpected:意外的 abrupt:突然的 swift:突然发生的 rapid:迅速的,急速的

  suffer/ v.

  She suffered for three hours yesterday afternoon.

  猜一猜 A. 受苦B. 碰上C. 跑步D. 评价


  词义扩展 ① 遭受Tom suffered a punishment for his mistake. 汤姆犯错误而受到惩罚。 ② 忍受,忍耐No one can suffer such insults. 没人能忍受这种侮辱。

  近义词 undergo:遭受

  sweet/swit/ a.

  These grapes are not sweet enough.

  猜一猜 A. 辣的B. 苦的C. 酸的D. 甜的


  近义词 sugary:甜的 lovable:可爱的

  词义扩展 a. ① 可爱的,美好的What a sweet little cat! 多么可爱的一只小猫! ② 芳香的The flowers smell sweet. 花儿飘香。

  n. 〔常 pl.〕糖果,甜食Most children like sweets. 大多数小孩喜欢糖果。

  tent/tent/ n.

  This is the latest type of tent on sale.

  猜一猜 A. 紧张B. 气氛C. 帐篷D. 网球


  protest/ v.

  They protested about the bad service received at the socalled splendid restaurant.

  猜一猜 A. 抗议B. 追求C. 斗争D. 尝试


  大头巧记 pro意为“在前面的”,test意思是“测验”,在测验之前,许多学生都会抗议,反对考试。


  They refuted his claim of innocence with eyewitness testimony.

  猜一猜 A. 斥责B. 反驳,驳斥C. 反对D. 否认


  分析 re+ fute

  回 + confute驳倒 → 往回驳,反驳

  view/ n.

  You can enjoy the magnificent view of the sea through the window.

  猜一猜 A. 观点B. 风景C. 照片D. 人群


  词义扩展 n. ① 观点,见解from this point of view 从这一个观点来看 ② 观察,观看You can get a better view of the parade if you stand here. 你如果站在这儿的话,能更好的观看游行。 ③ 眼界This book can broaden our view. 这本书能帮助我们开阔眼界。

  v. 看待,观察,考虑How do you view the future development of the company? 你对这家公司今后的发展怎么看?

  viewpoint/ n.

  What is your viewpoint of the function of the nuclear power?

  猜一猜 A. 印象B. 观点C. 决定D. 选择


  近义词 opinion

  strawberry/ n.

  Strawberry is my favorite.

  猜一猜 A. 草莓B. 苹果C. 芒果D. 西瓜


  大头巧记 straw + berry

  吸管 + 浆果 → 草莓 → 草莓是可以用吸管吸着吃的浆果

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