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试卷满分为 150 分,考试时间为 180 分钟.
名词解释 30%
英汉互译 40%
简答题 40%
论述题 40%
本部分考试内容有英译汉和汉译英段落各一段组成,每个段落长度约 5-8 句话。要求学生不用工具书自行翻译。
Chapter 1 An Overview of Intercultural Communication
1.1 Terminologies and Definitions about IC
1.2 The Birth of Intercultural Communication as a Field of Study
1.3 Intercultural Communication as a Multi-disciplinary Field of Study
1.4 What Is Studied in Intercultural Communication?
1.5 The Theories of Intercultural Communications
1.6 Intercultural Communication Study in China
1.7 Pervasiveness of Intercultural Communication
Chapter 2 Culture
2.1 Definitions of Culture
2.2 The Dominant Culture
2.3 Co-Culture
2.4 Elements of Culture
2.5 Characteristics of Culture
2.6 The Basic Functions of Culture
2.7 Diverse Cultural Patterns
Chapter 3 Communication
3.1 Defining Communication
3.2 Characteristics of Communication
3.3 Different Types of Communication
3.4 Different Models of Communication
3.5 Elements of Communication
3.6 Functions of Communication
Chapter 4 Language and Culture
4.1 Language and Cross-cultural Communication
4.2 Language and Culture
4.3 Language,Representation,Power and Inequality Concept
4.4 Conclusion:Language,Culture and Thought
Chapter 5 Religion
5.1 Understanding Religion
5.2 Six Major Religious Traditions
Chapter 6 Cultural Influences on Architecture
6.1 Architecture in Western Countries
6.2 Architecture in China
Chapter 7 Nonverbal Communication
7.1 Definitions of Nonverbal Communication
7.2 Functions of Nonverbal Communication
7.3 Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication
7.4 Classifications of Nonverbal Communication
Chapter 8 Blockings in Intercultural Communication
8.1 Potential Problems in Intercultural Communication
8.2 Culture Shock
Chapter 9 Competence of Intercultural Communication
9.1 Defining Intercultural Communication Competence
9.2 Components of Intercultural Communication Competence
9.3 Dimensions of Intercultural Communication Competence
9.4 Approaches to the Study of Intercultural Communication Competence
9.5 The Basics of Intercultural Communication Competence
9.6 Improving Intercultural Communication
9.7 The Future of International Communication
Chapter 10 Multiculturalism in the Context of Globalization
10.1 Introduction to Globalization
10.2 The Impact of Globalization on Culture
10.3 Multiculturalism in the Context of Globalization
参考书目:跨文化交际学 熊丽君、刘学华 主编 上海交通大学出版社
跨文化交际学 陈国明 主编 华东师范大学出版社

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