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National English Admission Test for Medical Doctoral Students
ModelTest 1
Part I Listening
Section A 
Directions: In this section of the test, you will hear 15 short conversations between two
At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The
conversations and questions will be read only once. You must listen carefully and
choose the right answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Mark your
answer on the ANSWER SHEET.
For Example: A B D
1. A. John is good at painting.
B. John’s sister’s son is good at painting.
C. The woman suggest the man take up painting.
D. The woman is making fun of the man.
2. A. He has a fried who majored in economics.
B. He hasn’t taken more than one economics course.
C. He’s been learning a lot this year, too.
D. He couldn’t make any sense out of his course.
3. A. Check the price of calculators. B. Finish his statistics homework.
C. Look for a job in mathematics. D. Use a smaller calculator.
4. A. Because the police stopped him. B. Because the driver charged too much.
C. Because he had been robbed. D. For no good reason.
5. A. Take some more vegetables. B. Pass the woman the meat.
C. Avoid taking any more food. D. Help to prepare the potatoes.
6. A. In her office. B. In the library.
C. In the laboratory. D. In the conference room.
7. A. Professor Miller offered more help than he had expected.
B. Professor Miller will not discuss the topic with him.
C. He asked Professor Miller for some books.
D. Professor Miller gave him more books than he had requested.
8. A. She thinks the explanations are difficult.
B. The explanations will be added in a later edition.
C. She thinks the book should include more information.
D. The book includes an explanation of all the answers.
9. A. He probably supports nuclear power plants.
B. He probably opposes nuclear power plants.
C. He probably no opinion on this topic.
D. He probably tries to understand both sides.
10. A. Use every minute of their time wisely.
B. Live there until the final time.
C. Finish their assignments early if possible.
D. Save the lab samples.
11. A. She is dependable. B. She is hard-working.
C. She is kind. D. She is helpful.

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