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中国人民大学 2001 年研究生入学考试试题
考试科目:英汉互译 英文写作
考试时间:1 月 14 日下午
Part I Directions: Translate the following passages into Chinese (33%) and write your answers on
Passage One
The cooperative principle alone cannot fully explain how people talk. It explains how
conversational implicature is given rise to but it does not tell us why people are often so indirect in
conveying what they want to say. This is where the politeness principle comes in. In the most
general terms, the politeness principle can be formulated as “maximize (other things being equal)
the expression of polite beliefs,” or, in its negative form, “minimize (other things being equal) the
expression of impolite beliefs.”
There are some situations where politeness can take a back seat. For example, when the
speaker and the hearer are engaged in a collaborative activity and the exchange of. information is
equally important to both of them, politeness would be given less consideration and the language
they use tends to be direct and straightforward.
Passage Two
The essays in this collection are composed entirely in this vein. Within the general field of
the understanding of language, of the more recent philosophic and linguistic ways of approaching
the meaning of meaning, they try to set out certain “frontier” topics. The word “frontier” has two
relevant senses. The topics discussed are at the forward edge of current thought and scholarship.
They are not yet clearly or fully understood. And what needs to be done is to formulate questions
about them in as sharp and fruitful a way as possible. Thus, there are papers in this book on the
relations, reflected or obscured in literature, and on the virtually unexplored subject of the history
and formal structure of inward speech, of the language-stream we direct towards ourselves.
“Frontier” also aims to suggest that these essays locate their analyses and examples at those points
where different disciplines and areas of study meet The essay on difficulty deals with
considerations which are simultaneously philosophical and literary. The initial comment on the
current status of texts touches on political and sociological motifs In several of these papers,there
are attempts to clarify somewhat the intricate overlaps between linguistics,poetics and techniques
of decipherment developed in psychoanalysis
Part II. Translate the following into English (33%)

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