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九、中国人民大学 1991 年研究生入学考试试题
SectionⅠ Structure and Written Expressions (30 points)
Directions: Each of the sentence has four underlined parts marked a, b, c, and d. Identify the part
that is incorrectly used by standard English. Write the letter in the parentheses and
your correction on the line provided.
1. Old Mahomet even swam upstream on the powerful current as if he were doing it just for the
a b c
fun of it all.
Answer:( )
2. Frequently in writing expository prose, a student finds necessary to employ the methods of
a b c
comparison and contrast in order toclarify either his subject or his attitude toward it.
Answer: ( )
3. Then, as the light went on, Romer shouted:“You do smell that animal, and please not to make
a b
any sudden movements because he excites easily. ”
c d
Answer:( )
4. The article was published in 1952 introduced a new solution to the need for water which lies in
a b c
precipitating or inducing nature to produce more pain.
Answer:( )
5. Gradually the village murmur subsided, and we seemed to be embarked on the placid current of
our dreams, float from past to future as silently as one awakes to.
b c d
Answer:( )
6. Let’s do go into this store. I’ve got quite a number of things to buy. It is to do shopping
a b c
that is why I came here.
Answer: ( )
7. If large numbers of foreigners are present they tend to put pressure on jobs, housing and edu-
cation. Because their standard of living is often low compared to other groups of workers,
b c
they crowd together in the slums.
Answer:( )
8. When youclose your eyes and try thinking of the shape of your own body, what you imagine
a b
is quite different from what you see when you open your eyes and look in the mirror.
c d
Answer:( )
9. There he was, still brilliant, still fairly young, living at tylecroft under his uncle’s wing.
a b
What couldn't he do with his uncle's money? And uncle went on living for ever, growing
c d

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