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宁波大学 2017 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 861 科目名称: 翻译与汉语
适用专业: 英语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 翻译学
第 1 页 共 3 页
Part I Translation (100 points)
Direction: This part consists of three passages. Translate Passage 1 from English into Chinese, and
Passages 2 and 3 from Chinese into English.
Passage 1: English-Chinese Translation. (50 points)
I will venture to give you an explanation - a hypothesis, if you like to call it so - of the secret
of this power of sympathy in the Chinese people and my explanation is this. The Chinese people have
this power, this strong power of sympathy, because they live wholly, or almost wholly, a life of the
heart. The whole life of Chinaman is a life of feeling - not feeling in the sense of sensation which
comes from the bodily organs, nor feeling in the sense of passion which flow, as you would say, from
the nervous system, but feeling in the sense of emotion or human affection which comes from the
deepest part of our nature - the heart or soul. Indeed I may say here that the real Chinaman lives so
much a life of emotion or human affection, a life of the soul, that he may be said sometimes to neglect
more than he ought to do, even the necessary requirements of the life of the senses of a man living in
this world composed of body and soul. That is the true explanation of the insensibility of the Chinese to
the physical discomforts of unclean surroundings and want of refinement. But that is neither here nor
there. ...
My other illustration is this. A Scotch friend of mine in the Customs told me he once had a Chinese
servant who was a perfect scamp, who lied, who “squeezed,” and who was always gambling, but when
my friend fell ill with typhoid fever in and out-of-the-way port where he had no foreign friend to attend
to him, this awful scamp of a Chinese servant nursed him with a care and devotion which he could not
have expected from an intimate friend or near relation. Indeed I think what was once said of a woman
in the Bible may also be said, not only of the Chinese servant, but of the Chinese people generally; -
“Much is forgiven them, because they love much.” The eyes and understanding of the foreigner in
China see many defects and blemishes in the habits and in the character of the Chinese, but his heart is
attracted to them, because the Chinese have a heart, or, as I said, live a life of the heart - a life of
emotion or human affection. ...
First of all let us take the Chinese language. As the Chinese live a life of the heart, the Chinese

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