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宁波大学 2017 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 357 科目名称: 英语翻译基础
适用专业: 英语笔译
第 1 页 共 3 页
一、 词语翻译(2×20=40 分)
说明:本部分共有 20 个词语,汉语和英语各 10 个,或选自国内外时事新闻,或选自翻译
1. 素质教育 2.道德底线
3. 产业结构调整和升级 4. 全国人民代表大会
5. 二十国集团 6. 中央政治局
7. 十二五时期 8. 佛经翻译
9. 翻译研究的文化转向 10. 信达雅
11. US presidential debate 12. Rio Olympics
13. Brexit vote 14. Nobel Prize for Literature
15. vote swapping 16. translation equivalence
17. translation process 18. parataxis
19. domestication 20. deep structure
二、英汉篇章翻译(1×60=60 分)
Just off the west coast of present-day Scotland, lies the small island of Iona (艾奥纳岛), a grassy
promontory with white sandy beaches, rising up out of the North Sea. Today it is a place of quiet
contemplation, relatively undisturbed by the tour groups or visiting school children wandering among
its enchanted ruins. Even for those who know, it is easy to forget that twelve centuries ago, these idyllic
shores were the scenes of unimaginable violence.
The monastery of Iona is the symbolic heart of Scottish Christianity, one of the oldest and most
important religious centers in Western Europe. It was founded by the Irish monk Columba in the sixth
century and became the focal point for the spread of the faith throughout Scotland.
In the early centuries, the monks came to seek seclusion among the ‘desert’ of the Atlantic Ocean,
and built simple beehive-shaped stone huts where they could concentrate on their prayers and vows of
poverty and obedience. Over time, however, the small community became a major pilgrimage site, and
a great medieval center of learning. It developed into a training school for monks with special rooms

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