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浙江师范大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 651 科目名称: 综合英语(含英汉互译)
适用专业: 050201 英语语言文学、050211 外国语言学及应用语言学
2、请填写准考证号后 6 位:____________。
Part One Vocabulary (45%, 1.5 points each)
Directions: In this part you must complete the following sentences by choosing one
suitable word or phrase from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Write your
answers on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. She felt ashamed that she had made such a mess. But this time she set ____ work ___ a will.
A. to, with B. to, at C. out, with D. aside, in
2. ______ in the pouring rain, he fell ill and had to stay in bed.
A. Being caught B. Caught C. Having been caught D. Having caught
3. I don’t pretend to know very much about physics. So I won’t go ______ the scientific theory.
A. into B. to C. for D. in
4. As soon as she got home, she set ______ preparing dinner.
A. to B. about C. forth D. out
5. Do you feel like ______ to a film or would you rather ______ at home.
A. to go, to stay B. going, stay C. to go, staying D. going, to stay
6. By the time this article goes to press, I ______ my master’s degree in hand.
A. would have B. would have had C. will have D. should have
7. The salesman wanted to get ______ of the profit than he has been offered.
A. 10 percent more B. 10 more percent
C. more than 10 percent D. as much as 10 percent
8. In theory there are no limits ______ what young people can achieve in this country.
A. in B. at C. for D. to
9. Courage means moving forward ______ you are afraid that you might not accomplish what
you want.
A. even if B. while C. even though D. as
10. When she saw how frightened he was at his mistake, her anger began to ______.
A. fade away B. fall down C. die out D. die down
11. We have had enough of those ______ promises. This time they will have to deliver.
A. hollow B. empty C. vacant D. bare
12. ______ we will be ______ compete with the world’s strongest football team in a few years’
A. On my money, at a position to B. For my dough, be enabled to
C. With my money, ready to D. For my money, in a position to

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