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第 1 页,共 2 页
浙江林学院 2006 年研究生入学考试农药学试题
姓名 考生编号:
一、填空题(每空 1 分,共 30 分)
1.杀菌剂按其对病原微生物的作用方式可分为 、 、 。
2.除草剂按其除草方式分为 、 。
3.影响药效的三大因素是 、 、 。
4. 列举三个常见的农药剂型 、 、 。
5.LD50 指的是 ,LC50 指的是 。
6.未经加工的农药称为 ,固体的称为 ,液体的称为 。
7.目前作农药助剂的表面活性剂主要是 和 两类。
8.除草剂的选择性原理大致可划分为 、 、 、 、 。
9. 剂是各类农药中使用最早、最广泛的一类,在 20 世纪 70 年代之前,它一直处于各类农药
之首。其后由于 剂的兴起及其在发达国家的大量使用,它才在世界农药的总销售额中退居
第二位。它在农药发展的历史上占有重要的地位, 、 的出现,使农药
从无机化合物步入 的时代。
10.波尔多液由 和 配制而成。
二、选择题(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
This debate has been the source of much division in ecotoxicology, between the Applied, often
Industrial, Ecotoxicologists concerned with the practicalities of chemical registration and testing and the
Pure or Academic Ecotoxicologists who regard many toxicity testing regimes as inappropriate or at worst
useless. Unfortunately, never the twain shall meet and the level of communication between the twocamps
has not been great. Afictional exchange makes the point well (from Forbes & Forbes 1994):
 : Single species acute toxicity tests are too simplistic and have no connection with what
is really going on out in nature. These standard tests are not only irrelevant and a waste of time,
they may in fact do more harm than good if they lead us to believe that we can use them to
adequately protect the environment when in factwe cannot.
 : These tests may be oversimplified, but they are also cost-efficient, easy to perform,
the procedures have been worked out, and the fact is they are required by government. We have
absolutely no incentive to do more than is required by law, and, frankly, you have given us little
hard evidence that current test procedures do fail to protect the environment adequately.
 : Do you have any idea of the number of new chemicals that we have to assess each

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