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以下是 考博英语真题 听力技巧辅导资料,可作参考。

Listening Comprehension

Section A: Conversations

Usually there is a direction telling what is to be tested and displaying an example for you. If you are familiar with all this, it is not necessary to read all the directions or to listen carefully. Instead you make use of this short span of time to have a glance over the following nine choices so as to have a rough idea of what is to be really tested.

Types of Questions

figures:dates, days, time, prices, ages, years seasons, streets, telephone, etc

»How many(persons) / dozens of)…

»How many minutes fast/slow/late…

»How much does…spend/save/earn/borrow/lend/pay

»How old /often/far is …

»How long does it take…to…/stay in…

»When /At what time…begin/finish…

»When /On which day…arrive/want to leave


teen和 ty的区别和千以上数的辨记。

街道、房间、汽车、电话等号码的习惯表达方法,如320读成three twenty或three two zero;

价格的习惯表达。如$19.95读成nineteen ninetyfive。

时间表达上英美的差异,如1:45可读成a quarter to two或one fortyfive; 2:00 p.m.可读成two p.m.或fourteen hundred hours(14:00).

年代、世纪口头与书面表达的差异,如20世纪写成19××,in the eighteen forties应理解为19世纪40年代。


单位的换算。如星期、日期、时、分的换算进率分别为7、30/31、24、60等。再如a quarter指时间是15分钟,指月份是一季度(三个月),指百分比为25%。

倍数意义的表达。如times, twice, couple, a pair of, half of, double, one third, percentage等等。

注意诸如late(later),early(earlier),delay, start, ahead of, fast, slow, increase, add等与时间数字有关的词,以帮助理解和计算。

Types of Questions

Places: 抓住与特定场所有关的词、词组和句型,推断暗示的地点.

–Where does this conversation(most probably) take place

–Where is this conversation(most probably)taking place

–Where does the man/woman plan/want to go

–Where does the man/woman prefer to live/stay

–Where is the man/woman working/living now

–What place did the man/woman visit first/last

–Where are the speakers now

–Where is … from

Where have they been to


Hospital:medicine,operation,doctor,patient,nurse,ward,fever,cough,headache,temperature,bloodpressure, dizzy, rundown;What seems to be the trouble

Bank:account, cheque, interest rate,cash,teller's window, deposit,dollar,pound,open on account,withdraw some money

Post-office: stamp, envelope, parcel, postage, registered mail,air mail,ordinary mail, telegram, money order

Hotel: reception desk, front desk, vacant room, single/double room, twin bed, reserve, check in, check out, porter, tip, full, room service


Restaurant: order,menu,bill,waiter,drink,salad,soup,dessert,roast beef,steak,go Dutch;It's my treat.Are you ready to order nowI'm full.

School:professor,exam,campus,degree,semester,term,assignment, grade, score, paper, lab test, course, credit

Store: size,color,style,price,fashion,cheap,expensive,counter,pay;What can I do for you Is there anything I can do for you I'd like to see…

Airport:departure,flight,take off,security clearance,green/red channel,boarding pass,check in,gate

Customs:duty free,fill in the form.Do you have anything to declare

Library: catalogue,list,renew,borrow,due


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