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96、This restaurant is frequently _________ by tourists because of its famous cooking.(北航2012年)

  1. Patronized
  2. Serviced
  3. Attended
  4. Utilized


解析:The restaurant is frequently() by tourists because of its famous cooking中间应该选填为“光顾”的词语,A项的patronized正是此意,B项的serviced(服务),C项的attended(参加),D项的utilized(利用)均不符合题意。


97、The miser will not donate any money to charity because he is _________.(北航2012年)

  1. Greedy
  2. Thrifty
  3. Stingy
  4. Careful


解析:The mister will not donate any money to charity because he is(),这位先生不会捐献一毛钱给慈善机构是因为(),C项的stingy(吝啬的)符合题意,A项的greedy(贪婪的),B项的thrifty(节约的),D项的careful(小心的)均不符合题意。


98、Childhood memoirs often gain their poignancy through a sense of displacement: each lesson is accompanied by a loss of________(北航2012年)

  1. Perspective
  2. Innocence
  3. Permission
  4. Veracity


解析:Childhood memories often gain their poignancy through a sense of displacement:each lesson is accompanied by a loss of(),置换反应——即每个教训都是通过()的失去来获得的,这常常勾起童年的心酸事,B项的innocence(纯真)符合题意,A项的perspective(观点),C项的permission(允许),D项的veracity(精确性)均不符合题意。


99、The rain__________our spirits because we were planning to go for a picnic.(北航2012年)

  1. Decreased
  2. dampened
  3. moistened
  4. hampered


解析:The rain() our spirits because we were planning to go for a picnic,B项的dampen(抑制)符合题意,即大雨使得我们情绪低落,因为我们正计划着一个野炊。A项的decreased(减少),C项的moistened(潮湿),D项的hampered(束缚)均不符合题意。


100、Their view that women are the natural ______ of morality is not my view.(北航2012年)

  1. Guardians
  2. guards
  3. guides
  4. soldiers


解析:Their view that women are the natural() of morality is not my view,A项的guardians(监护人、捍卫者)符合题意,即人们认为女人是道德的捍卫者,然后我不赞同。B项的guards(卫兵),C项的guides(向导),D项的soldiers(士兵)均不符合题意。


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