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156、None of these students, including the one who passed today's test is ______ the standard of last year's students.(财科所2018年)

  1. To
  2. up to
  3. With
  4. On


解析:固定搭配题。up to the standard表示“达到标准”,是一个固定搭配,选B。


157、The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period on recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also ______.(财科所2018年)

  1. Heartening
  2. Fascinating
  3. Ambiguous
  4. Atypical


解析:形容词辨析题。heartening“令人振奋的”;fascinating“迷人的”;ambiguous“含糊的,模棱两可的”;atypical“非典型的”。由空前的also可知空白处填的形容词要与前面的without precedent“无先例的,前所未有的”同义,选D。


158、The stock market declined sharply, and rampant business investment slumped. Then an ensuing spate on scandals ______ public trust in the way companies were run.(财科所2018年)

  1. Consolidated
  2. Illuminated
  3. Weakened
  4. Celebrated




159、And yet, despite these powerful ______ to growth, the recession proved surprisingly mild.(财科所2018年)

  1. Counterforce
  2. Stimulants
  3. Concomitants
  4. Manipulation


解析:名词辨析题。counterforce“反作用力”;stimulants“兴奋剂,刺激物;” concomitants“伴随物,共存”;manipulation“操纵,控制”。由despite可知这里有转折的意义,由mild“的对立面可知应该是具有“强大的反作用力”,选A。


160、The governor might conceivably find a genuine resolution to the budgetary dilemma, but she may be tempted to engage in a deception: a ______ exercise in fiscal prudence.(财科所2018年)

  1. Rigorous
  2. Blatant
  3. Specious
  4. Convincing


解析:形容词辨析题。rigorous“严密的,缜密的”;blatant“公然的,露骨的”;specious“似是而非的”;convincing“有说服力的”。根据engage in a deception可知是一场骗局,故应该是采用一场“似是而非的运动”来掩盖预算困境的情况,选C。


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