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191、The _________ feature in Ted's character was pride; he couldn't ever think of depending on anyone but himself.(财科所2016年)

  1. controlling
  2. prevailing
  3. Predominant
  4. primary


解析:词义辨析题——形容词。A项controlling是现在分词,表示“控制”;B项prevailing表示“(风)盛行的;普遍的”;C项predominant表示“占支配地位的;占主导地位的”;D项primary表示“首要的;基本的;初等的”。根据空格后的“feature in Ted's character——Ted的……性格特征”可知,与C项构成“主导的性格特征”,故为正确答案。


192、________ sleep is crucial to the health of adults, new research suggests that lack of sleep may affect teens' health, too.(财科所2016年)

  1. Just as
  2. As long as
  3. Despite that
  4. No matter how


解析:固定搭配。A项just as 表示“正如;正像”;B项as long as表示“只要”;C项despite that表示“尽管”;D项no matter how表示“不管如何”。根据句子逻辑关系,句子是用睡眠对于成年人的重要性和对于青少年的重要性作比较,以及更加后文的“too也”可知,A项是正确答案。


193、Teachers complain that children ________ these tests without being able to write a decent essay, solve a multi-step math problem or construct a framework.(财科所2016年)

  1. look through
  2. carry through
  3. sail through
  4. put through


解析:固定搭配。A项look through表示“看穿;仔细审查”;B项carry through表示“完成;帮助……渡过难关”;C项sail through表示“使顺利通过”;D项put through表示“遭受;使接通电话”。通过“complain抱怨”以及without之后的内容可知,孩子不具备某些能力却通过了测试。因此,C项符合正确的语境。


194、The profession fell into ___________, with some physicists sticking to existing theories, while others came up with the big-bang theory.(财科所2016年)

  1. Harmony
  2. turmoil
  3. distortion
  4. Accord


解析:词义辨析题——名词。A项harmony表示“和谐”;B项turmoil表示“混乱;焦虑”;C项distortion表示“扭曲;失真”;D项accord表示“协议;条约”。根据后文谈及物理学家持有不同观点,以及“big-bang theory”可知,B项符合正确语境描述。


195、His violet behavior sometimes is _________ his personality of shyness and self-consciousness.(财科所2016年)

  1. on condition of
  2. in line with
  3. at odds with
  4. in disguise of


解析:固定搭配。A项on condition of 表示“在……条件下”;B项in line with表示“与……一致;符合”;C项at odds with表示“与……不和/不一致;争执”;D项in disguise of表示“在……伪装下”。根据空格前后的关键词“violent暴力的”和“shyness and self-consciousness害羞和忸怩”的对比可知,C项符合正确语境。


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