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221、________ that rather than avoid capture he presented himself at the prison gates.(财科所2014年)

  1. Legend has it
  2. As has legend  
  3. Legend as has it
  4. As it has legend


解析:语法题。考察习惯用语。legend has it:据说,传说,故选择A。句意:据说,他宁可去自首也不愿意被抓捕。


222、________ was not our concern.(财科所2014年)

  1. No matter how he might pass the examination
  2. Whether he passed the examination or not
  3. Though he might pass the examination
  4. While he passed the examination


解析:语法题。考察主语从句。though引导让步状语从句。while引导时间状语从句。no matter how:不管怎样,无论如何。whether…or not:无论,是否。依据句意选择B。句意:他是否通过考试不是我们所关心的。


223、Between 1897 and 1919, at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed ________.(财科所2014年)

  1. has produced
  2. have been produced
  3. would have produced
  4. had been produced


解析:语法题。考察动词的时态与语态。主语为motion pictures,因此句子的谓语应用被动语态,据此排除A和C,由于句子的状语为过去的一段时间,因此选择含有过去完成体的D。句意:从1897年到1919年,至少有29部动画片中出现了人造生命。


224、Fibers of hair and wool are not continuous and must normally be spun into thread ________ woven into textile fabrics.(财科所2014年)

  1. as are they
  2. when to be
  3. that they are
  4. if they are to be


解析:语法题。A:主谓倒装错误。B:缺少主语。C:主语重复并且句意不符be to:表示将来。D为正确的条件状语从句,选择D。句意:毛发和羊毛纤维无法连续不断。如果要做成纺织品,它们通常要被纺成细线。


225、By the time you arrive in London, we ________ in Europe for two weeks.(财科所2014年)

  1. shall stay
  2. have stayed
  3. will have stayed
  4. have been staying


解析:语法题。考察从句时态。by the time引导的时间状语从句中,若谓语动词用现在时,则主句要用将来完成时。若谓语动词用过去时,则主句要用过去完成时,有时也可以用过去将来完成时。故选择C。句意:等你到达伦敦的时候,我们已经在欧洲呆了两个星期了。


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