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    It has been argued that where schools become bureaucratized, they become bound up with the techniques and implementation of the managerial process, and may concentrate on concern with position and self-advancement. In so doing, they may neglect the purpose for which they were set up.  

   Thus, they do not facilitate Re development of those who are part of the school community, and tend to neglect the desires of children, parents and society at large.

    It is because of such criticisms that there has been an increasing influence in political rhetoric and legislation of free-market theories of organization and society. Such theories suggest that a much more market-oriented, competitive approach is required so that schools reorient themselves towards their "clients". By so doing, it is claimed, not only do they once again address the needs of those with whom they should be primarily concerned, but such an approach also unleashes the benefits of individual responsibility, freedom of choice, and reward.

    Though much of this sounds attractive, it has its roots as much in an economic body of thought as in social and political theory, and this must raise the question of whether it can be viably transferred to an educational context. Indeed, if by "educational" we mean fife development of all within the school community, then free-market theory may miss the mark by concentrating on only one section, "the consumers". If teachers are seen as part of this community, then their development is just as important.

    If bureaucratic forms of management face the problem of explaining how their values can be objective when they are in fact the product of a particular value orientation, the forms of management derived from free-market theories, suggesting an openness to the adoption of different sets of values, are subject to the charge of relativism. In other words, free-market theories, granted that they are arguing that individuals should be allowed to pursue their own ends, must explain why any set of values, including their own, is preferable to another.

  1. According to the author, criticism of schools arises from________.
  2. concerns that schools deliberately neglect students
  3. the high cost of education due to bureaucracy
  4. a perception of them as self-serving and bureaucratic
  5. a misunderstanding of schools officials
  6. The "school community" (Line 4 Para. 4) the author refers to would probably include_______
  7. students                            B. students and parents
  8. students, parents and teachers           D. teachers and students
  9. The transfer of free market ideas to the schools may fail because_________
  10. schools have no real clients
  11. they concentrate only on the consumer and do not include teachers
  12. schools are totally different from the free market
  13. they have no solid purpose in their aims
  14. According to the text, criticism of free market solutions in education arise from the fact      that_________
  15. they do not explain why their set of values are better than others
  16. their values are too subjective
  17. their values are too different from those within an educational context
  18. the educational context is not a free market
  19. The "charge of relativism" mentioned in the last paragraph is meant to show_________
  20. the values are too narrow-minded       B. the values are not specific enough
  21. the values are too self-serving          D. the values are not strongly held


bureaucratize          v.使官僚  主义化

implementation        n.执行

managerial            adj.管理的

facilitate              vt.(不以人作主语的)  使容易,使便利,推动,帮助,促进

rhetoric               n.讨论:修辞学:花言  巧语

legislation             n.立法,法律  的制定(或通过)

reorient               vt.使适应;再教育

unleash               v.释放

orientation            n.方向,方  位,定位;倾向性

relativism             n.相对论,相对 主义


though much of this much of this sounds attractive it has its roots as much in an economic body of thought as in social and political  theory.

[结构分析]本句为主从复合句,主干是it has its roots as much.as。though引导让步状语从句,主句为同级比较句型。this指代上一段的观点。as much A as B表示同等程度,可以理解为“不仅B而且A”。


    The forms of management derived from free-market theories,suggesting an openness to the adoption of different sets of values,are Subject to the charge of relativism.

    [结构分析]本句为简单句。主干是The forms of management...are subject to the charge of relativism。derived...和suggesting…为两个分词短语,修饰主语the forms of management。


    the other words,free-market theories,granted that they are arguing that individuals should be allowed to pursue their own ends,must explain why any set of values, including their own,is preferable to another.

    [结构分析]本句为主从复合句,主干是free-market theories…must explain why…,why引导宾语从句,that引导让步状语从句,在句中作插入语,表示补充说明,意为“即使”。










A.对学校故意忽视学生问题的关注     B.因官僚作风而产生的高额教育经费

C.对他们自私自利和官僚政治的了解   C.对学校官员的误解

    [解析]本题的依据是原文的It has been argued that where schools become bureaucratized, they become bound up with the techniques and implementation of the managerial process,and may concentrate on concern with position and self-advancement。C项中的self-serving对应concentrate on concern with position and self-advancement;bureaucratic对应bureaucratized。

2.作者引用的“school community”(第4段第4行)可能包括_________。    [答案]C

    A.学生    B.学生和父母    C.学生、父母和老师    D.老师和学生

    [解析1本题的依据是原文的“Indeed,if by‘educational’we mean the development of all within the school community,then free-market theory may miss the mark by concentrating on only one section,the consumers'.If teachers are seen as part of this community ,then their development is just as important”。从中可知,school community包括consumers和teachers。根据全文语境判断,consumers指students和parents。

3.将自由市场的思想用在学校上可能失败的原因是________.    [答案]B

    A.学校没有真正的消费者          B.他们只关注消费者而忽视教师

    C.学校与自由市场是完全不同的    D.在他们的目标中没有一致的目的性


4.依照本文,对用自由市场解决教育方案的批评来自于_________ 这个事实。    [答案]A






5.在最后一段中提及的“charge of relativism”是用来表明_________。    [答案]C

    A.这种价值太狭隘                B.这种价值不够明确

    C  这种价值太自私                D.这种价值不能被坚定地保持

[解析]本题可参照上题。原文中词组in other words后的“free-market theories,granted That they are arguing that individuals should be allowed to pursue their own ends,must explain why any set of values,including their own,is preferable to another”是具体阐释。


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