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    The United States is often considered a young nation, but in fact it is next to the oldest continuous government in the world, and the reason is that its people have always been willing to accommodate themselves to change. It should be realized, however, that sharing benefits of our achievements was the result of trial and error. Unprincipled businessmen had first to be restrained by government before they came to learn that they must serve the general good in pursuing their economic interests. Thus, although early statesmen strongly believed in private enterprise, they chose to make the post office a government monopoly and to give the schools to public ownership. Since then, government has broadened its activities in many ways including preventing monopolies from taking over the economy.

    Increased growth by acquisition by our largest corporations has resulted in a situation where virtually independent economic giants will dominate the American economy. Growth of these vast corporate structures, even though accompanied by an increase in the number of much smaller and less powerful companies that operate under their control, foretells the creation of monopoly-like structures throughout American business. In general, the major acquisitions by the sample companies were corporate organizations that were profitable and successful before acquisition. The main effect of the merger or acquisition was to transfer control and management of an already successful enterprise to a new group. Profitability ratios indicate that, in most instances, the acquired companies operated less efficiently after acquisition.

    Americans hold with Lincoln that "the legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot do so well for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities." Clearly merger restriction is one example of legitimate government intervention.

  1.  It is implied that the main quality of the United States stressed is its_________.
  2. youth           B. shared wealth    C. trial and error    D. flexibility
  3.  The term "general good" (Line 5, Para. 1) refers to _________
  4. efficient practices                    B. ethical practices
  5. common well-being                   D. profitable decisions
  6.  The creation of U.S. post office monopoly is cited as an example of a __________
  7. replacement of the existing economic order     B. restraint of unprincipled businessmen
  8. flexible view of government                 D. system of shared profits
  9.  From the text we learn that when mergers occurred, the added companies had_______
  10. low profitability ratios                 B. management difficulties
  11. poor productivity                     D. achieved success
  12.  The author's view of mergers is________
  13. critical          B. cautious         C. qualified         D. favorable


accommodate      vt.供应,供给;使适应,调节;和解;向……提供,容纳:调和


unprincipled       adj.不道德的,无原则的,不合人道的

restrained         adj.受限制的,拘谨的,有限的

monopoly          n.垄断,垄断者;专利权,专利事业

acquisition         n.获得:获得物

dominate          v.支配,占优势

foretell            v.预言,预示,预测

merger            n.合并,归并

ratio              n.比,比率;[财政]复本位制中金银的法定比价

1esitimate        adj.合法的;合理的;正统的



    Increased growth by acquisition by our largest corporation has resulted in a situation where virtually independent economic giants will dominate the American economy.

[结构分析]本句主干是Increased growth...has resulted in a situation…。situation后面的where引导的是定语从句。两个by中,第一个by表示方式,第二个by表示施动者。


    Growth Of these vast corporate structures,even though accompanied by an increase in the number of much smaller and less powerful companies that operate under their control, foretells the creation of monopoly - like structures throughout American business.

[结构分析]本句主干是Growth…foretells the creation…,even though弓/导的状语作插入语,that引导定语从句,修饰companies。their指代these vast corporate structures。







1. 文中暗示了美国所强调的主要特征是它的_______。    [答案]D

    A.年轻    B.财富共享     C.反复试验    D.灵活变通


2. 词语“genera good” (第1段第5行)指的是________。    [答案]C

    A.有效的实践    B.道德的实践    C.公共福利    D.有利的决定

    [解析]本题的依据是原文的they must serve the general good in pursuing their economic interests,根据后续提示可知,general good的词义一定与their economic interests相反。因此C项为正确答案。

3. 引用美国邮政垄断这个例子是用来说明_________。    [答案]B

    A.现有经济秩序的替代     B.对不道德商人的约束

    C.政府的灵活政策         D.共享利润制度


4. 从文中我们了解到,公司之间进行合并时,新增加的公司_______。    [答案]D

    A.利润低    B.管理困难    C.生产力低下    D.已获得成功

    [解析]本题的依据是原文的In general,the major acquisitions by the sample companies were corporate organizations that were profitable and successful before acquisition,从中可知,被合并的公司在收购前是运作成功的。

5. 作者对合并所持的观点是_________。[答案]A

    A.批评的           B.谨慎的      C.有资格的      D.赞成的



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