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考博英语词汇 题练习

浙江大学 考博英语 03年秋词汇题
1. Hoping that he might be able to _____the problem,I asked Manio to look at the engine.

A shed light on

B make light of

C bring light to

D set light to

2. His_____ and unwillingless to learn from others prevent him from being an effective member of the team.

A arrogance

B dignity

C humility

D solitude

3. The economy grew at its fastest rate since 1980 thanks to a(n)______in world trade.

A inflation

B stimulus

C bulge

D boom

4. He decided he was going to take______ for the murder of his sister

A refuge

B testify

C certify

D allege

5. No one expected him to ____against his former employer.

A dedare

B testify

C certify

D allege

6. Rachel was the_____choice for the job thanks to her communication skills

A unanimous

B genuine

C harmnious

D agreeable

7. The police detective put together the pieces of evidence to form on ____ account.

A senstive

B genuine

C expressive

D coherent

8. You should have your eyes examined_____to be sure of your eyesight.

A periodically

B persistently

C continuously

D continually

9. You should treat those remarks with the ___ that they deserve don’t give them a second thought.

A negative

B disgrace

C contempt

D sarcasm

10 The book is a rain attempt to ____ the name of one of the worst dictators in modern history.

A worship

B glorify

C adore

D cherish

11 The government is seeking to ___ itself from the latest financial.

A detach

B extract

C derive

D ease

12 Heavy rainful in the south of England means that flooding is____

A imminent

B momentous

C transient

D prospective

13 He____ his assistant to pick up the plans from the office.

A dispose

B dispensed

C dispatched

D dispersed

14 I didn't ignore her_____ just didn't recognize her.

A attentively

B intensively

C intentionally

D intensely

15 You will only be allowed to leave early in_____ circumstances

A exceptional

B concidental

C peculiar

D imperative

参考答案: A A D B B A D A A B B A C C A


1. It is important to keep the factory working at ____ efficiency all the time.

A optimistic

B optimum

C optical

D optional

2. We need to take steps to counter the _____ decline in our export market.

A lingering

B chronic

C lengthy

D abiding

3. Her handwriting is so bad that it is barely____

A legible

B intelligible

C distinctive

D conceivable

4. We are going to____ what were learned so for by doing some revision exercise today.

A consolidate

B reinforce

C affirm

D conform

5. Kerin made one last____attempt to persuade Sandra to go with him and then left

A considerable

B trival

C futile

D resultant

6. The school agree to ___ their decision until they had spoken to his parents.

A convert

B retain

C deter

D expel

7. Repullican Party member were confidently ____ victory even as the first few votes come in

A acclaining

B reclaining

C exclaining

D proclaiming

8. The___between the two sets of figures suggests that someone had been stealing money from the bank

A discrepancy

B conflict

C contrast

D divergence

9. The idea that a good night sleep will cure everything is a complete _____

A defect

B fallacy

C fraud

D abuse

10 Before a bill can become law it has to have the full ____ of both Houses of Parliament.

A justification

B warrant

C endorsement

D verification

11 The image is ____ by a series of lenses within the telescope

A maginfied

B signified

C extended

D expanded

12 Strangely enough the most obvious explanation did not ___ Juckie until the next day

A stumble on

B occur to

C come up with

D stand up to

13 The government wants a 3% inflation rate,but is this a ___ objective

A reflective

B flexible

C feeble

D feasible

14 She has still ___ by what happened in Bancelona,although she had left 20years earlier

A haunted

B frequented

C recalled

D sustained

15 The hands on my alarm clock are____.So I can tell time in the dark

A imminent

B luminous

C illumination

D illustrative

参考答案:B B A A C B D A B C A B D A B


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