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2017 考博英语 阅读题源经济学人文章每日精析(七十三)


The Venice film festival威尼斯电影节


Unveiling the new films that will win Academy Awards


“SPOTLIGHT”, which won the best-picture award at the Oscars this year, was first shown at the Venice film festival last September. “Birdman”, the best-picture winner in 2015, was unveiled at Venice the year before. And in 2014, “Gravity” did not win the best-picture Oscar, but it collected seven other Academy Awards, as well as a mountain oftrophies from around the world. No prizes for guessing where it was first shown to the public.今年奥斯卡最佳影片奖作品《聚光灯》9月于威尼斯电影节首次公演;2015年奥斯卡最佳影片奖作品《捕鸟人》去年于威尼斯电影节揭幕;同样,在2014年,尽管未能夺得奥斯卡最佳影片奖,如地球奖项收割机一般斩获其他七项奥斯卡金像奖的《地心引力》于威尼斯电影节首秀。是的,奖项并不能够推断出作品在何地首次公演。

Trophies:n,奖项(pl) Purists may say that no festival should be judged on the number of prizes its films go on to pick up elsewhere. But in publicity terms, it is invaluable to be known—as Venice is now—for being the launching pad for the winners of the Academy Awards, the Baftas and the Golden Globes。狂热分子宣称那些于他处斩获奖项的电影作品不能够用以标榜威尼斯电影节。然而,在公众眼中,这个提议毫无意义,毕竟现在的威尼斯已经成为了各大获奖影片(奥斯卡金像奖、英国电影奖、金球奖)发布公众的舞台。

This year’s opening film was “La La Land”, a delightful musical comedy from Damien Chazelle, the writer-director of “Whiplash”. Set in modern Los Angeles, but revolving around a jazz pianist (Ryan Gosling) and an aspiring actress (Emma Stone—pictured together) who adore the music and movies of Hollywood’s golden age, it succeeds in being both innovative and nostalgic, frothy and melancholy, romantic and realistic. For all its bright colours, retro styling and toe-tapping tunes, the film asks, as “Whiplash” did, whether pursuing artistic greatness means abandoning everything else in your life, especially in the economically squeezed 21st century. The audience in Venice was so enchanted that by the time the end credits rolled, the Oscars had become a two-horse race between “La La Land” and all the rest.今年的开幕影片是由《爆裂鼓手》编剧兼导演-达米恩.查泽雷-导演的音乐欢乐喜剧《爱乐之城》(La La Land)。着眼于当代都市洛杉矶,由一位爵士钢琴家(瑞恩-高斯林)和崇拜好莱坞黄金时代音乐影视艺术的一流演员(艾玛-斯通)事迹交缠而成,这部影片创新而不失怀旧,欢乐而不失凝重,浪漫而不失现实。就像《爆裂鼓手》一般,这部影片借助明亮的色调、复古于现代结合的创作风格在拷问着世人:在这个饱受经济折磨的21世纪,对艺术完美的追逐是否意味着要抛弃除艺术以外的全部生活。

nostalgic:a.怀旧的Melancholy:a.忧郁的、令人悲伤的retro :a.复古风格的 Whether or not “Arrival” is in contention for the best-picture award, Denis Villeneuve’s weighty and eerie science-fiction mind-bender is one of two films at the festival that could snag a best-actress trophy for Amy Adams, who has already been nominated for five Oscars and five Baftas. Ms Adams stars as a linguistics professor who is recruited by the American government when a monolithic alien spacecraft lands in a meadow in Montana—or, to be precise, floats a few metres above it. Her mission is to board the flying saucer, decode its occupants’ language and work out whether they are friend or foe. As in “Gravity”, the heroine of “Arrival” is a single mother getting over the death of her daughter, but in contrast with “Gravity”, the tragic back story doesn’t feel as if it has been grafted on. It is crucial to the plot.不管《到达》是否在奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名之列,那部严肃而又怪异的科幻大片主演丹尼斯-维勒褔确实可以成为阻碍艾米-亚当斯(已获得五项奥斯卡金像奖和英国电影奖的提名)夺得最佳男演员奖的实力对手。亚当斯先生出演的是一位由政府任命的语言学者。当那艘巨大的外形航空母舰在蒙大纳牧场着陆,准确的说是在上方几米处悬浮,这位语言学者的使命便是登陆上飞碟,破解入侵者语言密码,最终判断出外星人是敌是友。与《地心引力》相反,《到达》女主角是一位刚刚克服女儿逝去的苦难的单身母亲,这个悲剧故事并不是简简单单的嫁接,而是一场阴谋。

Contention n.争论Eerie:a.可怕的、怪异的Monolithic:a.庞大的meadow:n.牧场、草地Heroine:n.女主角 Ms Adams’s other starring role at the festival was in “Nocturnal Animals”, Tom Ford’s proudly melodramatic and dizzyingly ambitious follow-up to “A Single Man”. Proving definitively that the fashion designer is as skilled at writing and directing films as he is at designing sunglasses, “Nocturnal Animals” cuts between three narratives. In one, Ms Adams plays a rich, glamorous but miserable Los Angeles gallerist who is sent a proof copy of a novel written by her ex-husband. In the second strand, which visualises the story in the novel, a mild-mannered man (Jake Gyllenhaal) is terrorised by hoodlums in West Texas. And in the third, the gallerist remembers her bohemian youth in New York. Fact and fiction are woven together. Mr Ford, being Mr Ford, makes it all look absolutely fabulous.亚当斯先生同时也出演了威尼斯电影节影片《夜行动物》,紧随《单身男人》之后的汤姆-福德又一部情节丰富、野心勃勃的影片。《夜行动物》由三个故事组成,这无不证明了这位导演鬼斧神工的嫁接技艺:第一幕,亚当斯先生出演一位富裕、迷人但却命途悲惨的洛杉矶美术段馆长,她被控告涉嫌抄袭前夫小说;第二幕,这是小说内容的现实场景,一位优雅男士(杰克-吉尔林哈尔)在西德克萨斯州呗暴徒袭击;第三幕,这位美术馆馆长回忆起了她在纽约放荡不羁的青春。现实与科幻交织。福德先生福德式得将一切都表现得荒诞不羁。

Melodramatic:a.过于夸张的,情节丰富的gallerist:n,美术馆馆长hoodlums:n.流氓、暴徒bohemian:a,放荡不羁的 Mel Gibson’s “Hacksaw Ridge” is nowhere near as sophisticated as the other films shown.Nonetheless, his admiring biopic of Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield), a pacifist who won the Medal of Honour for his bravery as a medic in the second world war, is likely to carry away many prizes. For all the gore, the film is ultimately a straightforward, uplifting ode topatriotic duty and individual principles. Besides Hollywood loves a tale of redemption, and “Hacksaw Ridge” marks Mr Gibson’s return to favour after years in the wilderness of scandal. What could be more Oscar-friendly than that梅尔-吉布森的《钢锯岭》(Hacksaw Ridge)近乎影片复杂精致老大。期待您的翻译,留言在文章下方,第二天会有解析哟。影片核心是在颂扬质朴的、激动人心的家国大业与个人原则。此外,由于好莱坞似乎偏爱救赎系列主题,《钢锯岭》似乎将吉布森先生从数年前的丑闻事件中拉出来,重新推入了观众的视野。谁又能不偏爱奥斯卡金像奖呢



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