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  College of Communication and Art
  本院现有教职工50余名,其中专职教师40余名(包括教授4名、副教授8名),聘请了国际著名影视艺术家Lother Spree担任特席教授,另有一批国内知名学者和艺术家担任兼职教授。近年来,本院教师在教学与科研上成果甚丰。由本院教师担纲撰写的国家“十五”、“十一五”规划教材已经或即将出版,1门课程获得国家级精品课程称号。创新工程学研究处于全国领先地位。近年来,本院学生积极参与各类社会活动,在重大赛事活动中,先后获得数十项国际和国内大奖。
  ● 广播电视编导
  ● 动画
  ● 摄影
  ● 音乐表演
  本专业培养具有国际视野的影视策划、编导、摄制、制作艺术创新人才。该专业主要培养在广播电视电影和相关媒体企业中从事节目创作的编创与导演人才。欧洲电影艺术研究所前所长、著名影视艺术教育专家劳塔.斯伯利(Lothar Spree)为该专业长期特岗教授,为本专业学术带头人。
  “艺术学”硕士导师由王荔教授、傅丽霞教授和我院德国籍特岗教授LOTHAR SPREE、王小慧教授、王钢副教授、张禾金副教授等担任,并聘请海内外著名学者与专家担任学科顾问与兼职导师。
  College of Communication and Art
  The College of Communication and Art at Tongji University was founded in May 2001, in the process of Tongji’s transfer to a modern comprehensive university. The college, making full use of Tongji’s hundred-year-old international prestige, and locational and disciplinary advantages, closely keeping in step with the front of contemporary international market, and tightly conforming to the general trend of increasing integration between “art” and “communication”, has been the first among Chinese universities to disintegrate the traditional barrier between the two disciplines. It emphasizes the integration of arts and sciences and the compatibility of Chinese and foreign elements. It aims at cultivating and bringing up professional talents in communication/art who are of high theoretical attainment, an international vision, a modern consciousness, and advanced creativity and innovativeness.
  The college bases its majors mainly on visual communication, including information and art communication by such media as radio, TV, and Internet, and by graphic and space display media. It offers six undergraduate programs, namely advertising, animation, photography, film, TV & media art, broadcast journalism, and musical performance. At present, there are nearly 20 platform courses for all students of the college, with the following as the backbones: art and communication, basis of photography, basis of modeling, new concept of animation, non-linear editing, computer graphics design, innovative engineering, audience psychology and creative communication, and marketing.
  Besides its two master degree programs in communication and art, the college runs a master degree program in art design jointly with one of its sister colleges, the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), and offers an engineering master degree program in industrial design. The college now has over 800 undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition, it has several research centers, including the one on innovative thinking.
  The college has a staff of over 50, including over 40 full-time teachers (4 professors and 8 associate professors). It has also engaged Professor Lothar Spree, the internationally famous film and TV artist, as special professor and a group of well-known Chinese scholars and artists as part-time professors. In recent years, teachers of the college have made great achievements in teaching and research. The textbooks compiled by teachers from the college and adopted by the national “Tenth Five-year Plan” and “Eleventh Five-year Plan” have been or are about to be published. One of its courses has won the title of National Selected Course. The college holds the leading position in China in studies of innovative engineering. In recent years, students of the college have been actively taking part in various social activities and have won several dozens of international and domestic awards.
  The college has always been very keen on carrying out cooperation with universities and institutions in different countries and regions such as Germany, France, Japan, Australia, and Hong Kong SAR of China. The “double-degree master” program, run jointly by the college and the Bauhaus University Weimar Germany, has already started; and the program of exchanging undergraduates with the City University of Hong Kong has been going smoothly.
  Tongji University has given great support to the college for its construction and development. The college’s experiment and practice center, restructured on ten million RMB yuan from the university, has come into use. The center boasts a professional editing room which ranks first among those in other Chinese colleges and universities, as well as a well-equipped and advanced studio, a audio-visual room, and a reference room (containing both books and audio-visual materials).
  Undergraduate programs
  ■ Art Majors
  ● Film, TV & Media At
  ● Animation
  ● Photography
  ● Musical Performance
  ■ Non-art Majors
  ● Advertising
  ● Broadcast Journalism
  Master degree programs
  ■ Communication
  ■ Art
  ■ Art Design (with CAUP)
  Introduction to the majors
  Art Majors
  (1) Film, TV & Media Art
  Students in this major are cultivated into innovative talents with an international vision in film and TV planning, directing, shooting and producing. This major is open for script writing, producing and directing personnel in radio, TV, and film industries and other relevant media enterprises. Mr. Lothar Spree, former director of the European Film Art Research Institute and the famous educator on film and TV art, has been engaged as the college’s long-term special professor and is the academic leader of the major.
  Main courses include visual-audio language, history of Chinese-foreign film, an introduction to film and TV art, analysis of film and TV works, film and TV planning, film and TV directing, production of documentary, film and TV theory and criticism, playwriting, media art, production of TV program, non-linear editing, audio art of film and TV, etc.
  Students of this major are cultivated to be capable of solving practical problems. When they graduate, their work destinations include TV or radio stations, film studios, newspaper or magazine, PR departments of enterprises, advertising agencies, governmental organs, and so on.
  (2) Animation
  Animation became a major of the college quite early, in fact, earlier than those in other key universities and colleges of Shanghai. Here, the essentials of the creation of animation is highly emphasized and other animation fields are also explored. Students in this major are trained into versatile and innovative talents who are of an international vision, capable of integrating animation production technology with animation directing and animation art design, and well adapted to the needs of the animation industry.
  Among its main courses are history of Chinese-foreign animation, 3D modeling, basis of painting, animation visual-audio language, movement in animation, screenwriting for animation, animation directing, animation art design, 2D and 3D animation software design and application, non-linear editing, and so on.
  Work destinations: setups related to animation, including animation studios, game industrial companies, mass media institutions, publishing houses, advertising agencies, etc.
  Employment prospect: With animation industry’s rapid development both at home and abroad, the employment prospect for graduates of this major is quite cheerful.
  (3) Photography
  Photography graduates are of an international vision and a touch of Chinese culture and well adapted to the needs of the new economic era. They should be equipped with wide knowledge in sciences, culture, and art theories, and basic skills in picture photography and film and TV photography. They are qualified personnel for advertising agencies, film studios, TV program producers, news media, and institutions on artistic photography and teaching.
  Main courses: art, journalistic communication, rules of modeling art in photography, history of photography, history of film, film and TV aesthetics, introduction to photography, illuminating technologies, digital darkroom, figure photography, advertising photography, digital photography, creative photography, etc.
  Work destinations: advertising agencies, newspaper or magazine, publishing houses, photography studios, cultural and artistic troupes, museums, specialized schools, publicity departments of enterprises and institutions, and publishers of audio-visual products.
  (4) Musical Performance
  In this major, quality is put all the more before quantity and students are trained to stand up to the challenge in their future career. Depending on Tongji’s major advantages and developing cross-disciplines such as music engineering, it is determined to turn out high quality musical talents to professional troupes and construct a brand-new platform for cultivating artistic talents.
  Items taught: performance on piano, vocal performance, performance on western stringed instruments, performance on western wood-winds instruments.
  Main courses: history of Chinese-foreign music, harmony, melodies, polyphony, vocal solo, chorus, solo, concert, performance, chamber music, etc.
  Non-art Majors
  (1) Advertising
  Advertising became a major of the college in 1995, much earlier than those in most of other Chinese universities and colleges. It is an interdisciplinary major involving teachers of the college in art design, journalistic communication, film and TV art, multimedia technology, and art history.
  Main courses: advertising planning, brand management, visual communication, marketing, graphics creativity, audience research and media effects, innovative thinking, advertising creativity, advertising copywriting, consumer psychology, advertising laws and regulations, and so on.
  Work destinations: Chinese or foreign advertising agencies, media, marketing departments of large-scale enterprises, self-employment, postgraduate study, and further overseas study.
  Employment situation: always better than students in other majors of Tongji University. In light of the anticipated EXPO 2010 Shanghai, there is a growing demand for advertising planning and marketing talents.
  (2) Broadcast Journalism
  Taking full advantages of Tongji’s tremendous academic strength, this major are aiming to cultivate graduates of an international vision and knowledge in communication and journalism, and being able to carry out news gathering and writing, editing, production of TV program, PR planning, and media management. Graduates have rosy prospects in employment and are likely to be employed by news media, governmental organs, large-scale enterprises and institutions, film and TV companies, and advertising agencies. In addition, a considerable proportion of the graduates are recommended successfully for admission to master degree programs.
  Main courses: an introduction to journalism, thoughts and schools of communication, news gathering and writing, news editing and commentary, international communication and foreign report, TV photography, anchor program, online journalism, journalistic English, etc.

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