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  学院现有教职工62人,其中专任教师54人,分别毕业于国内14所高等院校和研究所,学缘多样、结构合理。学院教师中教授6人、副教授(副研究员、副研究馆员)18人,讲师22人。教师结构中高级职称占教师总数的44.49%;博士3人,硕士36人;外校毕业生占63%;教职工中“70后”约占74%;硕士研究生导师20人, 研究生联合培养一个,合作培养协议单位一个,兼职导师8人。
  A Brief Introduction to College of Economics and Management
  College of Economics and Management (CEM) of Gansu Agricultural University was originated from the Section of Agricultural Economics under Animal Husbandry department of Northwest Animal Husbandry and Veterinary College, which was run in 1953. In 1984, it was independently open to run as the Specialty of Agricultural Economics based on it. Four years later, it was extended as the Agricultural Economy Department. In the very beginning of the new century, along with the general transformation of the higher education in China, Agricultural Economy Department was extended as the current form, i.e., CEM.
  Bachelor degree education
  CEM runs 5 bachelor degree programs for undergraduate students, including Economics and Management of Agricultural and Forestry, Economics, Financial Management, Marketing Management and Finance. Of them, a parallel sub-program for academic talents provision, approved by the provincial authority, is run under the Economics and Management of Agricultural and Forestry program. CEM currently hosts more than 1450 full-time undergraduates.
  Master degree education
  CEM operates 3 master degree programs including Agricultural Economy Management, Regional Economics and the population, Resource and Environment Economics. Of them, the program of Agricultural Economy Management has been entitled as one of the Key Programs at provincial level. Besides, CEM also runs a professional master degree, Rural and Regional Development program. Nowadays, CEM hosts 66 full-time postgraduates adding 80 professional master degree ones with the program of Agricultural Extension.
  Faculty and staff
  CEM has 52 of faculty and 10 staffs graduated from 14 Universities and Institutes nationwide, 63% from institutions outside Gansu province. Of them, there are 6 professors, 18 associate professors and same level professionals, 22 lecturers. Among faculty, 3 won doctoral degree, 36 won master degree. CEM enjoys cooperation with two institutes in terms of master degree education and has 28 supervisors of master degree students.

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