
 您现在的位置: 考博信息网 >> 文章中心 >> 院校信息 >> 专业介绍 >> 正文 交通运输学院主要研究方向


  (1)新(改)建铁路、道路可行性分析 The feasibility analysis of railway or road to be built or rebuilt
  (2)铁路运输组织优化 Optimization of organization in railway transportation
  (3)车站运输管理自动化系统的开发 Development of automatic transportation management system at railway stations
  (4)城市轨道交通的规划及运营管理 Planning and operational management of urban rail transit
  (5)客货运技术及管理 Technology and management of passenger and freight transportation
  (6)车站、港口及枢纽设计 Design of stationsharbors and hubs
  (7)城市交通规划及设计 Planning and design of urban transport
  (8)城市交通管理与监控 Management and monitoring of urban transport
  (9)城市公共交通运营管理 Management of operation of urban public transit
  (10)交通影响分析 Analysis of traffic effects
  (11)道路交通事故机理与预防 Mechanism and precaution of road accidents
  (12)物流系统规划与设计 Planning and design of logistics system
  (13)物流信息系统的设计与开发 Design and development of logistics information system
  (14)道路路基与边坡的稳定性及可靠性 Stability and reliability of road bed and side slope
  (15)智能交通系统 Intelligent transportation system
  (16)运输包装及检测 Transportation packaging and inspection
  (17)商品包装、装璜及营销设计 Design for commodity packagingupholstering and marketing
  (18)企事业单位综合信息系统建设与开发 Construction and development of integrated information system for enterprises and public institutions
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