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        发布时间:2018-9-1 3:44:32
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试卷代号 804 试卷名称 英汉互译
第 1 页 共 2 页
I. Translate the following passages into Chinese. 90%
1. We name them, raise them, clothe them and spoil them. We describe them as
manipulative, grumpy, sensitive and caring. And they’re not even human---- they’re
our pets. It’s in our nature to ascribe human characteristics to animal even if they
don’t really exit. For this reason, in the interests of remaining objective observers of
nature, scientists have taken pains to avoid anthropomorphizing animals. To talk
about a dog’s having a swagger or a cat’s being shy would invite professional sneers.
In recent years, however, evidence has begun to show that animals have
personalities after all. Chimps, for example, can be conscientious: they think before
they act, they plan and they control their impulses. Research has identified similar
personality traits in many other species. The big payoff may come down the road, as
scientists begin to use animals to figure out how genes and environment interact to
influence personality. Perhaps that’s the upside to finding out humans aren’t as
unique as we’d thought.
2. There is one more type of traveler that must be mentioned here, if only for the
guidance of the young and simple. He is usually an elderly man, neatly dressed, but
a little tobaccostained, always seated in a corner, and he opens the conversation by
pulling out a gold hunter and remarking that the train is at least three minute behind
time. Then, with the slightest encouragement, he will begin to talk, and his talk will
be all of trains. As some men discuss their acquaintances, or others speak of violins
or roses, so he talks of trains, their history, their quality, their destiny. All his days
and nights seem to have been passed in railway carriage, all his reading seems to
have been in time-tables. He will tell you of the 12.35 from this place and 3.49 from
the other place, and how the 10.18 ran from So-and-So to So-and-So in such a time.
The greatness of his subject moves him to eloquence, and there is passion and
mastery in his voice. However dead you were to the passion, the splendor, the
pathos, in this matter of trains, before he has done with you you will be ready to
weep over the 7.37 and cry out in ecstasy at the sight of the 2.52.
II. Translate the following passages into English. 60%
1. 北京 29 届奥运会的标志是北京奥林匹克形象的核心部分。该标志以独特的、具有五千
年历史的中国印章篆刻和书法为手段, 把中国传统艺术和现代奥林匹克精神结合起来,
说明:本站提供的《湖北工业大学804英汉互译2008年考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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