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杭州师范学院硕士研究生入学考试命题纸 杭州师范学院硕士研究生入学考试命题纸
杭 州 师 范 学 院
2007 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试题
考试科目代码: 724
考试科目名称: 综合英语
7. We are also persuaded by mounting evidence on cortical plasticity, __________ that synaptic
connectivity is the product of input to the cortex.
A. illustrating B. demonstrating C. explaining D. revealing
8. Smith _________ the infants' learning mechanism at a lower, causal instead of formal, level.
A. depicts B. delineates C. describes D. portrays
9. On the other side, Smith _________ that theories couched in the terms of the nativist-empiricist
dialogue are dead ends.
A. declares B. remarks C. argues D. proposes
10. But the _____________ of shepherds’ pipes and the wooded serenity of a Hollywood backlot are,
upon closer inspection, strange in Marlboro country.
A. trill B. thrill C. quiver D. warble
11. Quickly the trickle becomes a flood of ________ linseed oil as the bean sinks earthwards, …
A. glimmering B. glistening C. glowing D. shining
12. The patient has rapidly ___________ to the treatment.
A. responded B. reacted C. replied D. answered
13. Haze and mist __________ all into gray: gray water, gray sky, gray air and gray hills with a tint of
A. mixed B. blended C. admixed D. compounded
14. She ___________ this point by describing a series of elegant experiments investigating infants'
developing knowledge about the relationships between objects and their supports, containers or
A. illustrates B. demonstrates C. explains D. reveals
15. She was so __________ in her study that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.
A. attracted B. absorbed C. concentrated D. drawn
16. _________ the child if he misbehaves, and he'll soon stop.
A. Ignore B. Neglect C. Overlook D. disregard
17. Mr. Foster _____________ that he'd broken the speed limit.
A. admitted B. confessed C. acknowledged D. consented
18. The second difference between Baillargeon and Smith concerns the role of science in _______
questions about the origins and growth of knowledge.
A. discussing B. investigating C. addressing D. treating
19. The debate is not about the presence or __________ of development; it is about the role of learning
versus maturation in the developmental process.
A. absence B. lack C. emptiness D. vacancy
20. Most of us working in this field have already taken a stand on the nature-nurture ________;
roadside conversions on the way to Damascus are not as common as they used to be.
A. discussion B. controversy C. issue D. debate
21. There are few people, I imagine, except those who are already good lecturers or _________, to
whom speaking on the wireless come naturally.
A. speakers B. orators C. preachers D. spokesmen
22. The proper understanding of the heart made no progress until it was understood that there was a
special _________ going from the heart through the lungs.
A. circuit B. cycle C. circle D. circulation
23. The carvings included several ____________ figures.
A. manly B. manlike C. man-shaped D. mannish
Part I Vocabulary and grammar
This part of the test examines you on your mastery of the English vocabulary and grammar.
Notice that the contexts and your general knowledge can be helpful to your choices. After you have
made a choice, mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Section A Multiple choice (每小题 0.7 分,共 28 分。)
For each of following 40 sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one
that best completes the sentence.
1. The summer soldiers and sunshine patriots will, in this crisis, __________ from the services of his
country; but he that stands now deserves the love and thanks of men and women.
A. shift B. run away C. shrink D. retreat
2. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, _________
in liberty and dedicated to the position that all men are created equal.
A. conceived B. born C. established D. constructed
3. Indeed, some of the developments which _____________most to the growth of industrial America
were a positive disadvantage to labor.
A. donated B. provided C. gave D. contributed
4. I not only ___________ a cabin with him and ate three meals a day at the same table, but I could
not walk round the deck without his joining me.
A. shared B. enjoyed C. hired D. rented
5. A few semesters ago, in _____________ of a descriptive paper assignment, I received a student
essay describing a high school English teacher.
A. spite B. view C. the case D. fulfillment
6. From infancy to death, the human being is __________ by these dual motives.
A. occupied B. caught C. influenced D. obsessed
2007 年 考试科目代码 724 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 13 页 本页第 1 页) 2007 年 考试科目代码 724 考试科目名称 综合英语 (本考试科目共 13 页 本页第 2 页)
说明:本站提供的《杭州师范大学724综合英语2007年考研真题考研试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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