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北京师范大学 1991 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
I.Grammar 25%
A. Insert articles where necessary in the blanks in the following passage.
The study of language can be interesting, stimulating and rewarding. There is no other
subject which has such direct relevance to your everyday life and whose benefits can be readily
seen in quality of your existence. You had already worked out systems of language for
communicating with others, especially to get what you wanted, before you came to formal
education. The fact that you said “buyed” instead of “bought”at age of three was not
reflection of your incompetence, but indication that you had already begun to
work out sound for past tense of verb ,only to be thwarted by
nature of English language in having so many irregular forms.
Already today, as you read this, you will have used your language in a variety of ways for
variety of purposes. You will have spoken to your friends at college in different
way from way you spoke at breakfast time at home. If you have already had to
do some written work, you will have used different form of your language from that
accepted in group, discussion. Nor does . versatility in your uses of language end
there. You will know yourself that you are capable of using variety of language structures
and range of vocabulary according to your audience and impression you want
to give and response you want to elicit. Similarly you will have mastered how to respond
to language use, whether written or spoken. You will have established for yourself, possibly
intuitively, means of assessing when remark is to be taken seriously or humorously or
when person is being friendly or matter-of-fact or hostile. Sometimes person you
know well does not have to utter complete statement for you to know what is meant, and
conversely you may sometimes pick up wrong signal and misunderstand person
because of choice of word or stress given to a syllable.
B. Insert in each blank in the following sentences with the most appropriate
form of the verb given in the brackets (10%)
1. New Orleans __ (found)in 1718 as a French fortification near the mouth of the
Mississippi River. It now __ (rank)as the second busiest port in America.
2. By 2000,scientists surely (discover)a cure for the common cold.
3. I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but I (not, invite).
4. If the tall young man (use)an adding machine properly, he would still have
been working there.
5. It is important that course design (relate)to a particular social context and
the aims of particular students.
6. In order to avoid __ (make) mistakes in subject-verb agreement, you must be
able (recognize)the difference between singular and plural subjects.
7. Saying that we don't need (teach) grammar is like (say)that you
can have a chicken (walk)around without bones.
8. That little girl had a narrow escape, She (hit)by a car if her father (pull)
her out of the street.
9. A: Carlos has been trying (start)that engine for nearly an hour.
B: In that case, why doesn't he try (change)the sparking plugs.
10. A prefix is a combination of letters (place)before a word or word root to
modify its meaning. A suffix is a combination of letters (add)at the end of a
word or word root to indicate the function of the word in a sentence or to form a new
C. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.(Cross out the wrong parts and put the
correction just above them. ) (10%)
说明:本站提供的《北京师范大学基础英语1991年考研真题(有答案)硕士研究生入学考试试题 》源自权威渠道,为历年考过(被使用过)的真题试卷,除标注有“回忆版”字样的试题外,其余均为原版扫描,权威可靠;回忆版试题由当年参加全国硕士、博士研究生入学考试考生回忆,内容完整。



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