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171、The government is trying to help these enterprises out of the ______ by various means.(财科所2017年)

  1. Flight
  2. Plight
  3. Delight
  4. Twilight


解析:同形词辨析。flight“航班”;plight“困境”;delight“愉悦”;twilight“黄昏”。根据help以及out of the…可知这里要表达“摆脱困境”的含义,故选B。


172、______ any one should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true.(财科所2017年)

  1. In order that
  2. Lest
  3. If
  4. Providing


解析:连词辨析。in order that“为了”;lest“惟恐,免得”;if“如果”;providing“假如,倘若”。根据think it strange以及it is quite true之间的逻辑关系可知前面是要被避免和否定的对象,故选B。


173、Packed like sardines into sweaty, claustrophobic subway carriages, passengers can barely breathe, ______ move about freely.(财科所2017年)

  1. as well as
  2. disregard for
  3. let alone
  4. not mentioning


解析:短语辨析。as well as“也,和……一样”;disregard for“漠视,忽视”;let alone“更不用说”;not mentioning“未提及”。前面提到“乘客几乎无法呼吸”,说明车厢之拥挤不堪,所以后面的“自由移动”是更加不可能的事情了。故选C。


174、Iran's morality police are ______ on the sale of Barbie dolls to protect the public from what they see as pernicious western culture eroding Islamic values.(财科所2017年)

  1. putting down
  2. breaking down
  3. cracking down
  4. looking down


解析:短语辨析。put down“放下,记下”;break down“损坏,破裂”;crack down“打击”;look down“看低,鄙视”。根据后面的“以保护公众免受他们认为是侵蚀伊斯兰价值观的有害的西方文化的影响”这句,Barbie dolls“芭比娃娃”属于西方文化的产物,属于被“打击”的对象。故选C。


175、In the 1930s, when millions of comic books were ______ the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical.(财科所2017年)

  1. Inundating
  2. Imitating
  3. Immolating
  4. Insulating


解析:形近词辨析。inundate“淹没”;imitate“模仿”;immolate“宰杀……作为祭品”;insulate“使绝缘,使隔离”。根据前面millions of comic books“数以百万计的漫画书”可知给予年轻人的应该是如洪水般“淹没”的效果,故选A。


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