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176、______ you promise you will work hard, ______ support you to college.(财科所2017年)

  1. If only…will I
  2. Only … I will
  3. Only if … will I
  4. Only if … I will


解析:语法结构。only if“只有”,用倒装;if only“但愿”,后用虚拟语气。故选C


177、It is one of the ironies of Western man that he has never felt ______ invention as a threat to his way of life.(财科所2017年)

  1. any concern with
  2. any concern about
  3. any concern in
  4. any concern at


解析:短语辨析。concern with“与……有关;关心”;concern about“担忧,担心”;concern in“涉及,参与”;concern at无此用法。根据后面的as a threat to his way of life“对自己的生活构成威胁”可知应该呈现出来的心理状态是“担忧”,故选B。


178、By the end of the Spring and Autumn Period slave society was ______ disintegration.(财科所2017年)

  1. on the ground of
  2. on the top of
  3. in the light of
  4. on the verge of


解析:短语辨析。on the ground of“根据,以……为基础”;on the top of“在顶部”;in the light of“鉴于,由于”;on the verge of“接近于,濒临于”。根据历史常识以及disintegration一词可知是处于“濒临瓦解”的状态,故选D。


179、These early clocks, operated by weights, were not particularly accurate, and it was not until the sixteenth century ______.(财科所2017年)

  1. any great reliability attained it
  2. then attained any great reliability
  3. that any great reliability was attained
  4. when any great reliability attained


解析:语法结构。由it was…可知此题考查的是强调句型结构,故选C。


180、Boris Yeltsin, Russia's ______ president, died. His funeral in Moscow was attended by a bevy of world leaders past and present.(财科所2017年)

  1. Prior
  2. Past
  3. Former
  4. Late


解析:固定搭配。former president“前总统”,故选C。


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